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Handweavers Guild of Boulder


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February Workshop - English Paper Piecing with HGB member Isabel Suhr

Workshop February 8, 2025  English Paper Piecing
In-Person Workshop : English Paper Piecing with HGB member Isabel Suhr 

Learn the traditional hand-sewing method of English paper piecing by making a 3-D Moravian star as a decor piece or to give as a gift. English paper piecers Isabel and Almeda will demonstrate the construction of a Moravian star and guide you through trying each part of the process. We will also show off some other things you can do with English paper piecing!

Read more here.

Register here.

February Program - Julia Halperin 

Day Meeting
February 10, 2025 10am meeting
Evening Meeting
February 11, 2025
 7pm meeting
Zoom Meetings
Day Meeting Presentation: A History of Fiber and Textile Art and Its Relationship to the Art World

From the early 1960s to the late ’70s, in a chapter of art history known as the fiber art movement, artists — predominantly women — across Europe and the United States began experimenting with thread and fabric, often pushing them into three dimensions and away from the wall. This program will examine key figures in this movement, including Magdalena Abakanowicz, Lenore Tawney, and Sheila Hicks. It will also explore how their work has been received in the art world and how mainstream institutions today are re-evaluating fiber art after decades of dismissal.

Evening Meeting Presentation: Textile and Fiber Art: A Survey of Contemporary Practitioners

In an age when we spend much of our time touching the flat surfaces of screens, fiber art feels newly seductive to makers and viewers alike as both a contrast with and a culmination of modern sensory experience. Today, a new generation of ambitious and experimental artists are embracing fiber and textiles for themselves. This program will explore the work of a number of exciting contemporary practitioners in the fiber art space, including Tao Lewis, Marie Watt, Kira Dominguez Hultgren, and Melissa Cody.

March Program - Jake March 

Day MeetingMarch 10, 2025
Evening MeetingMarch 11, 2025

In-Person Meetings

Day Meeting Presentation: 
The World of Beads Part 1

Evening Meeting Presentation:
The World of Beads Part 2

Jake will take us on a journey around the world of the places he sources beads, how he chooses them and he will teach us about the beauty of the materials he sources, works with and sells. Bringing an exceptional collection of historical beads from the Roman period, Islamic period, the European expansion (1490’s-1700’s) as well as some extraordinary tribal beads, members will be able to examine and touch the beads. Conversation on the use of beads in textile arts. Bring for show and tell any projects in which you have used beads.

Evening meeting: if time allows, a demonstration will be shown on how to make a tassel with thread and beads.

April Workshops - Brioche with Lesley Anne Robinson

Workshop 1

April 12, 2025Beginner Bulky Brioche
Workshop 2April 12, 2025 Fixing and Finishing Brioche
Workshop 3April 13, 2025Elegant Brioche

Register here
Workshop fee discounts if you register for two or more workshops!

  • $75 for one workshop
  • $135 for two workshops ($15 savings)
  • $190 for three workshops ($30 savings)
In-Person Workshop 1: Beginner Bulky Brioche

Brioche is meant to be a fun and engaging stitch pattern! I want to take away all the fear and uncertainty surrounding brioche knitting. Grab some bulky yarn and circular needles to knit my super popular Funfetti hat pattern! Two-color brioche is very fun, and it can be easier to see the anatomy of brioche stitches, so we will be focusing on this during the class. Yarn choices and color will be briefly discussed. You will learn my favorite cast-on and bind-off techniques to use with brioche knitting, the basic brioche setup, and work on something you could take home to keep practicing!

In-Person Workshop 2: Fixing and Finishing Brioche

Gain confidence with your brioche knitting by learning how to fix mistakes, pick up dropped stitches, place lifelines, and add those finishing touches to your brioche projects! Feel free to bring any of your brioche projects you might want to fix or finish, or you can sit back and treat this as a lecture!

In-Person Workshop 3: Elegant Brioche

Take your brioche knitting to the next level with Elegant Brioche! In this class, you will learn the most commonly used two-color brioche increases and decreases needed to create gorgeous brioche fabric with twists and turns that will delight and inspire! We will briefly go over basic two-color brioche for a refresher, as well as how to choose the right yarn for your projects! Together we will be knitting a swatch to learn the 5 most commonly used brioche increases and decreases. This will prepare you to knit almost any brioche project of your dreams!

Registration is open. To register online, click here.

HGB Membership - Join or Renew Today 

Join or Renew Today!

Click here to join/renew online
or for printable membership form

Membership in the Handweavers Guild of Boulder is open to anyone who has an interest in or is actively engaged in textile and fiber arts.

HGB Members Represent a Variety of Textile and Fiber Techniques

• Weaving and Interlacement • Felting—Wet, Needle & Nuno • Knitting & Crochet • Lace, Macramé & Knotting • Bead & Wire Weaving • Basketry • Rug Hooking • Spinning • Sprang • Embroidery, Stitching & Surface Design • Quilting, Piecing & Appliqué • Fabric Painting, Dyeing & Surface Design • Handmade Paper • Fiber Preparation & Dyeing

Membership in the Handweavers Guild of Boulder is open to anyone who has an interest in or is actively engaged in textile and fiber arts.

Whether you are new to fiber arts and textiles, or an accomplished artist, we are confident that you will find an enjoyable, creative, and inspirational place within the Handweavers Guild of Boulder.

Upcoming Events 

Guild Programs - Day & Evening Meetings  
View 2024-2025 Program Listing Here

2025 HGB Fiber Art Show & Sale - Important Dates


Denver Art Museum

Confluence of Nature: Nancy Hemenway Barton is on view February 16 - October 8, in the fashion and textile art galleries on level 6 of the Martin Building. Free for Museum Friends and students, $15 members, and $20 nonmembers. Explore how Barton's experiences living and working abroad combined with her deep appreciation of nature influenced her innovative textile art, including her large-scale wall reliefs crafted from hand-loomed fabrics. This exhibit offers a unique glimpse into the artistic practice and personal history of a visionary Maine coast artist. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the global threads woven into her remarkable work.

The Call for Entry for Fiber Reimagined III is now open!

Back for its third year, this popular exhibition invites artists to submit their innovative contemporary art incorporating recycled and repurposed materials.

Submit your work between February 1 and March 10. Entries will be juried by the Fiber Art Now creative team, and finalists will be featured in the Summer 2025 issue of Fiber Art Now. Selections from the print exhibition will be eligible for the on-site exhibition at the Guilford Art Center, in Guilford, Connecticut, July 1-27, 2025.

Intermountain Weavers Conference

Registration for the 2025 Intermountain Weavers Conference is now open!

The classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If the class you want is filled when you register, sign up for your second-place choice at that time. You will be able to sign up for the waiting list for other classes starting on March 1, 2025, but if you wait until that time, you are not guaranteed to get into the class you are on the waiting list for and you may not get into your alternate class choice either.

Sign up before Feb. 26 if possible. We will decide which classes are a go and which need to be cancelled due to low enrollment at that time. If you try to sign up after that date, you may find the class you wanted was cancelled.

All signups are done online on the Register web page. You MUST be logged into the website to register for a class. You can also sign up for meals and purchase the IWC 2025 shirts. Lunches are offered each day and there is a dinner on Thursday night. There are a variety of shirt styles and colors to choose from. 

Albuquerque has a unique blend of rich cultural heritage and vibrant urban neighborhoods. The city is home to a variety of outdoor recreation, delicious cuisine, a thriving arts scene, and immersive historic traditions. Consider coming early or staying after the conference to experience everything that is uniquely Albuquerque! To get more information about what Albuquerque has to offer, see this web page: Albuquerque

More details about the conference can be found in the December newsletter.

IWC is continuing their series of Zoom seminars. They will be hosting a seminar and a class with Carol James. Beginning Sprang Class, Carol James: Saturdays for 6 weeks, Jan. 25, Feb. 1, Feb. 8, Feb. 15, Feb. 22, March 1 • 1 to 3 pm MT • Cost: $200 + Kit fee (paid to instructor): $80 plus shipping. Sign up at 

The Handweavers Guild of America (HGA)Textiles & Tea - Each week HGA hosts a conversation with some of the most respected fiber artists in the field today. Textiles & Tea takes place every Tuesday at 4 PM (EST) and is broadcast via Zoom. These broadcasts are free to view and open to all. Click on the link for additional information.

Website Announcements - Submission Guidelines
Contact if you have an item for this website announcements section pertaining to fiber events of interest to Guild members. 

The Beat - HGB Newsletter - Submission Guidelines
Click here for information on announcements/advertising in the HGB newsletter. 
Click here to access announcement request form.
Please note, HGB members may place a free personal 30 word or less advertisement in the newsletter.

Colorado Gives Day
The Handweavers Guild of Boulder has been participating in since 2019, providing a safe and secure platform to non-profits in the State of Colorado to receive charitable donations. Please join us in December 2025 for Colorado Gives Day. Link here for the Handweavers Guild of Boulder profile page and thank you for your ongoing support!

Handweavers Guild of Boulder has memberships with the following

HGB Non-discrimination Clause

Membership of the Guild shall be open to persons in sympathy with, interested in, or actively engaged in the art of handweaving and related arts/crafts. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex, age, ability, race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, genetic information, national origin, native language, religion, creed, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, transgender status, marital status, veteran status, military status, political service, affiliation or disability.

HGB Photography/Media Policy

When you attend an HGB meeting, workshop, event, photography/videography may take place for use in promoting the Guild through print or other media. By attending, you give your consent to photography/videography and to the release of such media.

The Handweavers Guild of Boulder is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization focused on textile and fiber arts education.

Copyright 2015-2025 Handweavers Guild of Boulder. All rights reserved.

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