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Handweavers Guild of Boulder


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The Beat is published on the first of the month, September through May, and occasionally during the summer.


Ads and other submissions for The Beat due dates are:

 Issue  Deadline
 Summer June 15, 2024
 September  August 16, 2024
 October  September 13, 2024
 November  October 18, 2024
 December  November 15, 2024
 January  December 13, 2024
 February  January 17, 2025
 March  February 14, 2025
 April  March 14, 2025
 May  April 18, 2025
 Summer  June 13, 2025


All ads must be fiber-related and of interest to members.

Classified Ads  

Classified ads are free to members or can be purchased by non-members for $5 for 25 words or less, and 10¢ for each additional word. Longer classified ads may be submitted as 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 page display ads, on a space-available basis. All ads with photos must be submitted as display ads. Scroll down for submission and payment instructions.

Display Ads  

Display ads must be print-ready and fiber-related. Send display ads to The Beat editor electronically in JPEG or PNG format or as an Adobe PDF file. Arrangements may be made with the editor to provide ads in another format. Display ad rates are as follows per issue:

1/8 page: $10 (2.25" high x 3.5" wide)

1/4 page: $15 (4.75" high x 3.5" wide)

1/2 page: $30 (9.75" high x 3.5" wide or 4.75" high x 7.25" wide)

Full page: $60 (9.75" high x 7.25" wide)

Discounts are available for advertisers who pay, in advance, for ads in all 9 issues (September - May) of the Guild's fiscal year. Contact the editor for the discounted rates.

Submission and Payment 

Send ads by email as early as possible to the editor at You will then be sent an invoice and given options to pay.

Contact the editor at with any questions.


The Beat provides an events column of announcements of interest to members. Announcements are free and must be 250 characters/30 words or less. HGB will donate a 1/4 page ad for educational, non-profit events that are of interest to members, if space is available. See the form below to submit an announcement.

The Handweavers Guild of Boulder is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization focused on textile and fiber arts education.

Copyright  © 2015-2024 Handweavers Guild of Boulder. All rights reserved.

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