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Handweavers Guild of Boulder


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Colorado Grasslands Challenge - Hidden Worlds of the Shortgrass Prairie - Workshop

  • August 05, 2023
  • 10:30 AM
  • Broomfield, Colorado
  • 26


Registration is closed


Robert Linn Photography

Hidden Worlds of the Shortgrass Prairie - Workshop

Presented by Amy Wildgrube and Susan McEachern, 
Volunteer Naturalists with Boulder County Parks and Open Space

Amy and Susan are both trained Volunteer Naturalists with Boulder County Parks and Open Space, and share a love and passion for the shortgrass prairie of Colorado.  They both enjoy learning, playing, and exploring in our local natural environment, and studying and teaching about wildlife, native plants, pollinators, birds, and natural history.

Discover the quiet beauty of the shortgrass prairie, one of Boulder County's native ecosystems. Along with rainforests, prairies are our most important carbon-sequestration communities. They are home to threatened species such as black-footed ferrets, burrowing owls, and ferruginous hawks, as well as bison, elk, deer, antelope, prairie dogs, box turtles, and rattlesnakes. We will begin with an indoor slideshow, followed by an easy outdoor walk by Stearns Lake.

Date: Saturday - August 5, 2023

Location: Goodhue Farmhouse,
Carolyn Holmberg Preserve at Rock Creek Farm
Off Hwy 287, south of Dillon Road
2005 S. 112th Street, Broomfield, CO 80020

Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm

Cost: Free

Class size: 35

For more info, contact:  
Janet Strickler,
or Jane McAtee,

Guided easy walk after the slideshow is optional; registrants should participate at their own discretion.  Sunscreen and weather-appropriate clothing is recommended.

Current HGB Members receive priority on Workshop registration. Non-members will be placed on a waiting list and contacted by the Programs Chair.

The Handweavers Guild of Boulder is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization focused on textile and fiber arts education.

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