Felted Sweater Creations
This workshop will not have a leader. HGB acquired a lot of felted wool sweaters, some have had the sleeves removed, but there are lots of wonderful items here. We will gather and share ideas of things you can make with them (mittens, hats, skirts, hotpads, etc.) and select some for a project. You can begin the project at the meeting, or take it home with you. We will share them all at a “fashion show” at a later date It will be first come first served and we will share!
Presenter: NA
Experience: Beginner
Prerequisites: None
Materials/Equipment to be Provided by Participants: Bring scissors, needle and thread and some printed ideas to share.
Date: Monday, January 29, 2024
Location: NoBo Art Center, 4929 Broadway #E, Boulder CO 80304
Time: 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Class size: 12
Registration opens December 1, 2023
For more information contact:
Jane McAtee, programs@handweaversofboulder.org
Current HGB Members receive priority on Workshop registration. Non-Members will be placed on a waiting list and contacted by the Programs Chair.
Cancellation/Refund Policy: Workshop fees are payable to HGB and due with the registration form. Refunds are made only if another or (wait list) person can fill your space. If the workshop is canceled by HGB, you will receive a full refund.